As a lecturer for presentations and seminars Mr Stelzer has been teaching the essential points for planning energy-efficient buildings and consulting for end customers since 2001. Important here are new knowledge, new calculation rules and standards, as well as regulations and public support programmes.
The focus of Mr Stelzer’s presentations are possible solutions for the planning of buildings to cope with targets for climate protection using economical solutions.
He therefore teaches knowledge on the actual situation with climate protection, as well as the saving potential of the technologies considered, both theoretically and using practical examples. Please contact us to choose the appropriate focus for your event. We can then combine an appropriate selection of topics in the field of climate protection and energy-efficient construction. To broaden the topics they can also be discussed in a seminar block.
Climate protection and cost effectivenessSeminars and workshops are a key aspect of our activities. The field of topics covering energy-efficient construction includes a varied range of issues. Please talk to us if you are looking for a speaker for a topic on energy-efficient construction. Key topics are calculation methods, building physics, energy systems and quality management. You will find our currently and regularly offered events on the websites of our
Seminar organisers.To teach the use of the software for the design of energy-efficient buildings knowledge is required of both the application itself and the technical details of the design step, as well as the practical issues of the implementation. This is all part of good training. We train on the following applications: Passive House Planning Package (PHPP), the programmes for thermal bridge analysis, Therm, ThermCAD provided by FirstInVision Software GesmbH, sold in Germany by RoWa Soft (ThermCAD), ZUB-Argos, BKI etc., as well as Polysun, WUFI Pro and DÄMMWERK.
Seminar organisersThe worldwide climate protection situation is mentioned often, but is presented partially truncated and thus not clear. Today it is clear here that it is highly economical to meet the requirements of climate protection, if based on an integral design, both individually and socially.
To demonstrate this we show the current data on climate protection and correlate it with the individual topics of energy-efficient construction. With it, for example, we explain the primary energy factors and their (political) specification, the efficiency of heat pumps, and the possibilities that technologies are best combined with. The focus is on energy conservation here to identify the overall most economical solution.
In cooperation with the Energie- und Umweltzentrum in Springe-Eldagsen we offer several own seminars, which are oriented on the renowned high quality and pleasant atmosphere in the centre, and with the superb addition of its vegetarian wholefood diet has the goal of very high customer benefit and satisfaction.
We have been holding software workshops for Kern Ingenieurkonzepte in Berlin and their software, DÄMMWERK, since 2001. The topics taught cover the whole field of the application. Where necessary to implement the application, we explain the most important content of the calculation rules of standards, recommendations, regulations and laws.
In Biberach we offer particularly diverse courses on building physics for thermal bridge calculation, in cooperation with colleagues and software providers. We also participate with other highly skilled speakers in professional courses for Certified European Passive House Designers (CEPH) and for the calculation of non-residential buildings based on DIN V 18599.
Thank you Friedemann Stelzer for supporting us with your extensive knowledge and your simply inexhaustible wealth of experience as a speaker at seminars, workshops and conferences. The participants consistently attest to your extremely professional and methodical competence. Do please keep it up ...
Founded in Cologne in 1998, the consultants have been based in Reutlingen since 2007 and offer their services throughout Europe.
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